
Riyadh: I try to be an example of how things can go right - BBC Three

“My parents were right at the bottom of the pile for who to come out to,” he says. “It was self-preservation. I didn’t know if I was going to be kicked out and made homeless, or if my dad would try to honour-kill me. It sounds silly but you go to the worst-case scenario. My mum was great – confused but great – but my dad took it very hard.”“The coming out video has helped countless people see that you can go from having non-accepting and scared family members to the complete opposite,” says Riya...

The truth about eating disorders - BBC Three

"I often hear women saying, 'I feel fat'. When I said things like that, my psychiatrist would jump on me and say, 'Christie, that’s not a feeling, that’s just a thought. You have to label your feelings.' So I drew this as a way of helping me to stop and think, 'what am I feeling?'. I hope it shows people that when they say they 'feel fat', there’s an emotion underneath and it’s important to find out what that emotion is."This picture’s been reposted a lot and people have told me it’s helped them...

You think your PMS is bad? Try living with PMDD

“What often really strikes me when I see a woman with this condition,” says Dr Panay, who is also Chairman of the National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome (NAPS), “is how long it’s taken for them to be taken seriously, and how relieved they are when somebody finally offers them evidence-based treatments.”“Last summer, I was sectioned twice and started thinking, ‘This can’t go on.’ People have tried to tell me I’ll regret it but I don’t want to bring someone into this world then have them g...

Why I talk about being raped - BBC Three

Rape survivors are often asked why they didn’t retaliate, to which there are endless answers. Mine is a common one: it was just too risky. I considered hitting him over the head with my piggy bank, but he was twice my size. What if it didn’t work? Do you fight and lose and then come off worse?I was trapped for two hours. In the end, I pretended I was into him and asked him to pick out some lingerie for me to wear. While he was distracted, I escaped. He ran away, and stole my phone so I didn't ha...

War and Peace: on the set of the BBC's epic Tolstoy adaptation

Of all the places I would expect to find a sumptuous adaptation of War and Peace being filmed, a former textiles factory on the industrial outskirts of Vilnius, Lithuania, is the last. In fact, only the cast buzzing in and out of their trailers in 19th-century garb convinces me that I am in the right place. 
But inside, as I walk past endless workshops and on to the cavernous ex-factory floor – now storing everything from period furniture and cannons to fire-ravaged houses and full-size model ho...
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